My spirit has been shattered by humanity

I’m picking up the pieces of my broken spirit. There’s shards of domestic violence my mother and her husband subjected me too. There’s a large broken piece of sexual molestation at the hands of my mothers husband and his brother and another larger piece of spiritual brokenness, abandonment by my mother, leaving me with her husband when she left him. Another piece, he had his way with me, leaving me completely broken throwing me to the wolves.

My spirit, shattered. I’m trying heal in a toxic society and pick up the pieces without injuring myself.

I’m okay.

Homework on Parasites Leads to Conversation

Last night I was helping my daughter with her homework on parasites and what to my wondering words come out of my mouth?

My daughter, Grace started her first year of college and she’s loving it. She’s a little overwhelmed with travelling back and forth, the amount of homework, however, enjoying the practice and learning of her career choice with caring for animals. She’s studying to be a Vet Tech, a pre-requisite to becoming a fully licensed Veterinarian. It was lots of hard work to get her where she is today, with much more to go. Long nights of homework, a tutor in the area of chemistry and biology, well worth it.

Her homework and assignments for the next little while are on the subject of parasites. For those of you that don’t know what parasites are, parasites live off another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death. After some study time with her last night, researching the various parasites, she looked at me with disgust when I told her that human’s are the biggest parasitic species on the planet. Home work was over. She closed her books, asking me to “explain”

I told her that we are a parasitic species to our planet, our planet being the host. We are living off a live organ in our planetary system. We get our food and energy from earths organs, depriving our host of nutrients, slowly destructing the planet through greed. We’ve been raping the planet since the industrial revolution and well before that. Our parasitic ancestors used the oceans and waterways as a dumping ground for chemicals poisoning the fish, aging pipes and sewer systems are responsible for spilling hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic waste into our rivers and streams, with our oceans chocking in plastic killing many species of marine life.

For the next hour we engaged in a conversation about human behaviours, past, present and how slowly we are damaging this beautiful organ we live in. We spoke about rising global temperatures, melting ice caps and polar bears drowning, eventually the polar bear will be extinct. Deforestation, too many mouths to feed, and air pollution which India are the largest Sulpher Dioxide polluters, and then I shared the worst part of the human stain of society, the mental host, meaning a human latching to another human creating phycological damage through sexual abuse, domestic violence, poverty, etc, explaining the poverty issue we see in society as the 1% feed off the poor.

Human Parasites are the worst.